Import Non-SCORM Online Content - Step-by-Step Process Guide

Import Non-SCORM Online Content - Step-by-Step Process Guide

This document explains how to upload new eLearning in SF LMS for Non-SCORM type online content

Non SCORM online content are the ones which can not track the progress of course. If user leaves the course part way and comes back to the course, they have to again do the course from start.  This includes PDF, Word Document, PowerPoint presentations, videos etc.

How to upload Non-SCORM(non-tracking) online content:

Step 1 :  Go to Learning Administration --> Content --> Import Content --> Add New Content --> Next

Step 2: Browse the file respective file which is being uploaded as online content

Step 3: Click Next

Step 4: Update the details as below.

The below setting to be updated for non-scorm content is almost same as scorm content with additional setting to be selected Use AICC Wrapper for non-scorm content.

Click Import Files

Step 5: Once the content is uploaded successfully, click pencil Icon and rename Content Object Id with Item Id name and click Apply Changes

Step 6: Click Schedule Job

Step 7: Click Finish

Once the job is completed successfully, it will show the status as Succeeded.

Step 6: Update the Item Attribute

Once the content is uploaded, update below attributes for an Item where the content object is mapped.

Search for item

Update below attributes under Item Details and Click Save:

Once the updates are completed, click Save.

To add Item Description, copy the description from an other online item and make the changes to training title, Overview /Training Purpose Text, duration etc keeping all other details of Technical support as they are.

Save the text and copy it in English UK language

If the course needs to have due date completion, then update below fields under Item Details tab. For example, training due date should be 30 days from the assignment date

If the course needs to undergo retraining, you need to create curricula, map the the course item Id under curricula and update retraining setting for that mapped item.

Now go to the tab "Online Content" and Edit and update Content Title same as Item Title if it's not same

The course is now ready for technical testing.