Content Import Assistant with Deployment Locations
When deploying content, you may receive an HTTP Error when using Firefox - please use EDGE or Chrome to avoid the error.
TIP: You can rename your zip file as needed. Keep the short name for file.
Please do not use special (non-standard) characters in the file name, such as: !@#$%%^&*
Please do not exceed 30 characters in your filename.
**Please note that stand-alone content files such as PDF’s, .WAV, MOV, MP4, etc. do not need to be zipped - they can be imported directly with the import assistant as-is.
From here, you will be taken to the Import Content form.
For now, please only “Add New Content” (even if you are submitted updates) as there are issues with the “Add Content for an Existing Item” and “Replace Content for an Existing Item” options. Later in the document, you will see how to apply an updated URL to an existing content object.
The form works for the following scenarios:
Each of these scenarios is addressed below:
** Everything is imported as a Content Package regardless of which you choose.
**If you are just importing AICC data files (not deploying them), uncheck “Deploy content to server”.
1. On the Import Content form, select your options. Be sure to select the deployment location from the drop down.
2. Enter your desired Content Package ID or one will be automatically assigned.
If the notifications are not enabled, PCM would not be notified of the deployment, so the same information below could be added to an email and sent to the PCM account representative.
In the Special Instructions field, please indicate all the following information:
Item ID: (To which the package is or should be attached.)
Item Title:
Contact email address: (Belonging to the user to whom the iContent testing results should be sent.)
Any special considerations: (For example, whether or not testing is required by iContent, or if iContent should attach the package to the item or if you would like us to apply the deployed URL to an existing (manually created) content object.)
Please note that ALL courses deployed via Deployment Locations are eligible for iContent hosting, management, and troubleshooting, but you may choose whether iContent testing is required on each deployment nonetheless.
If you do not see the Server Location drop-down menu, you may not have the required Admin Access:
Under System Admin >> Security >> Role Management
Search by Role ID (ALL, SUPERADMIN, etc.), then click the edit icon and then the Workflows tab.
Admin users must have the following workflows to leverage the Deployment Location functionality during content import:
If workflow is not the issue, there may be a domain restriction on the user so they cannot see the Server Location.
You also have the option of creating a role specifically for Deployment and only assigning this role to Admins that have been trained to use the deployment functionality – such a role would need to contain the following 10 workflows:
To create a new item at the time of import, fill in the desired and required fields under Summary.
If the item already exists, leave the box to “Create a new Learning item for each content package” unmarked.
Under Settings, the three options marked below are the most common settings necessary to ensure content is accessible:
One setting that is not shown below is “Skip content structure page” – please mark this option when you have one content object under one item (1:1 ratio).
*For items that include assessments and/or track attempt limits, please mark the checkboxes to “Record learning event when content passed” and “Record learning event when content failed”, then set a Failure Status and Failure Action (and number of attempts if needed)*
During the import process, you may select Library and subject areas for the resulting item.
Typically, we do not assign a test user to deployment locations, so we recommend assigning the courses to the desired test users manually after you have deployed the content.
Finally, Click “Import Files” and proceed to final step.
To create a content package to be added to an existing item, fill in the Import Content form with your desired options and click “Import Files”
In this scenario, please fill in the Special Instructions field to include:
Click “Import Files” and proceed to final step.
Once Import Files is clicked and the import is successful, the next screen will prompt you to schedule a background job. This is the final and necessary step for deployment.
Click “Schedule Job” and the Background Job form below will appear.
You may select to run the job immediately and set it to notify you via email when the job is done or schedule the deployment to occur on a different date/time. Files smaller than 4MB will deploy immediately while larger files will trigger a Background Job.
If the job is run immediately, it may take from a few minutes to several minutes for the deployment to succeed.
If the course is large or you are attempting multiple deployments simultaneously, you may consider setting the deployments as Background Jobs outside of business hours, so as not to impact daily LMS activities.
Finally, click “Finish” to finish setting the Deployment job and await notification or wait on the same screen for the Status of the deployment to change to Succeeded.
Once the job is executed, the item and content will appear in the LMS. It make take time for your content to load depending on whether or not there are day and time restrictions on background jobs, the size of your content package, and your connection speed.
If/when the iContent support email is entered into the notification field by the iContent representative, a ticket will be automatically generated for the iContent team. The iContent team will test the course and report the testing results back to the user specified in the Special Instructions field.
To apply a deployed URL to an existing content object:
If you have created the item prior to deploying the content package, use the green “plus” icon to select Add Content Package (not Add Content Object) to the item.
Once the content package is added, Save Changes. Saving the changes may prompt the reassignment wizard if users were assigned the course prior to the addition of content.
The main reason we recommend deploying updated content packages and applying the new URLs to the existing content object on the item (instead of removing content packages and adding the new package) is that any changes at item level, including swapping out content will most likely affect any users in progress by triggering the Reassignment Wizard.