This document explains the steps that P&C Systems team needs to follow when they receive elearning upload request from business.
1. Ensure that the Business Content Owner submits the attached eLearning Request form with all the details filled in.
2. If they do not have eLearning Request form, provide them one via email and ask to fill and submit back to you. Also copy eLearning SME from OE team in the same email and ask them to review the filled form and allocate the content seat (Currently Nina Firth is eLearning SME. So you can copy her).
3. Create new subfolder with eLearning name under the folder eLearning SCORM Files and store the content file and eLearning Request form provided by content owner. If you do not have access to eLearning SCORM Files folder, please request P&C Systems manager to provide you the access.
4. Upload the content file as per the steps given in below KBA links
- Refer Import SCORM Online Content - Step-by-Step Process Guide if the content is SCORM(Tracking) Type
- Refer Import Non-SCORM Online Content - Step-by-Step Process Guide if the content is Non-SCORM(Non-Tracking) Type
5. Once the content is uploaded, mapped to the item Id and updated all required attributes for item as per above steps, then course is ready for the technical testing.
6. Technical Testing Steps:
- Assign the item to yourself from LMS Admin. If it is mapped to curricula, assign the curricula - How to assign item/curricula to user
- Generate direct link of eLearning - How to generate direct link of eLearning
- Launch the eLearning via direct link
- Verify if the eLearning launches, bookmarks the progress and mark as complete successfully
- You can test the eLearning via chrome or Edge browser in laptop and iPad
- You will also receive technical testing feedback from Premium Content Management team as they will do the eLearning testing in Chrome and Edge browsers.
7. User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
- Once the technical testing is completed successfully, assign the eLearning to UAT participants provided in the eLearning Request Form. Refer the steps How to assign item/curricula to user
- Send the email the content owner(who requested the online content upload) to perform UAT and provide feedback. Use the email format - eLearning UAT request to content owner - Sample Email Format
- If UAT feedback includes technical issues, investigate and resolve
- If UAT feedback includes content issues, inform content owner to work with content developer to update the content and provide updated content file to you for the upload in LMS
- Upload the updated content file using the steps - Import updated content file to an existing eLearning item - Step-by-Step Process Guide
- Once the content is uploaded, repeat the step no. 6 and 7 above until the final UAT is completed successfully and content owner provides go ahead to publish the eLearning to target users
8. Publish eLearning to target users. E-learning can be published to target users based on the request provided in the eLearning Request form. Following are the various methods which could be requested by content owner. Follow the relevant steps to publish the eLearning.
a. Users to self-assign the eLearning via library
- Map the respective library to eLearning item
- Ensure the target users are falling under the library
b. Auto assign the eLearning item or curricula via Assignment Profile rule
c. One time assignment of item or curricula to specific set of users without AP rule
9. Add the item in eLearning completion report: Michelle to provide knowledge article link
10. Inform the content owner that you have published the eLearning as requested and they can use the eLearning completion powerbi dashboard for course completion tracking purpose. You can share this link with them for reference - eLearning Completion Powerbi Dashboard